What Big Teeth You Have!
by coie - July 25th, 2011.Filed under: Uncategorized.
Clint Archer at The Cripplegate is quickly becoming a new favorite read for me. Take a gander at this article mixing humor into a discussion on Christian orthodoxy.
Orthodoxy is blood bought. There are countless saints who were burnt at the stake to defend the claims of Scripture. John Wycliffe was exhumed and posthumously burnt to ashes when the Catholics realized they hadn’t put enough exclamation points behind saying he’s not on their team. Wycliffe would be rolling over in his urn to know that men calling themselves Christians are saying orthodoxy is not generous enough. Ortho means straight. Would you want your orthodontist to tell you that although your teeth are still crooked after you spent a fortune on braces, you should simply have a more generous definition of straight?