by coie - January 8th, 2008.Filed under: Uncategorized.
I’m one bad blogger, eh? I almost gave up on blogging entirely, but then I remembered that I have almost 3 years worth of useless history that I am particularly attached to on here. So alas, I blog on.
These last few weeks have been jammed packed full of interesting-ies. Like my co-worker giving me 7 passes to Dollywood for free. We only had to buy one child’s ticket for my whole family to get in ($30). Bobo and Dippy actually went on rides for the first time in their lives. Dip’s biggest one was the ferris wheel, and Bobo accidentally made a deal with me to go on every ride that I went on. Me, Miss Where’s The Biggest Coaster? We started out with a small one and he SCREAMED the entire time, "Get me off this thing! I’m gonna die! How do you stop this?!?!"
And oh boy was it cold that day. We also ran into some friends of our’s that we haven’t seen in a year. AND the highlight of that day was tricking mom onto a roller coaster. She can hardly ride in the car without having heart palpitations. Half of the coaster was inside and she didn’t realize that the loopity loops and upside downs and twirlies beside the building were part of the same ride. From the time it started to the time it ended she whooped, screamed, hollered, squealed and above all, threatened bloody murder. I never laughed so hard in my life, even though my hand was being crushed the entire time. She wouldn’t talk to us for 30 minutes afterward.
I was pulled over 10 minutes from our house because one of my headlights was out. It all would have been fine and dandy but I didn’t have my proof of registration and insurance with me. I know that’s brainless and all, but its true. So I got a multiple offence citation which I took care of last week.
Christmas was wonderful. I didn’t know that Jessica and Charley sent three HUGE boxes of stuff and I was shocked when I came out and saw half our living room filled with presents. And I got a CD PLAYER FOR MY CAR!!!!!!!!!! I was more than a little excited. And a beautiful cross necklace that Charley made. Yippity Do Da.
Grandma and Grandpa Olbrich, along with Erin (my aunt that is a year older than I am) and Great Grandpa Bolen (who Bobo is named after) came down here a few days after Christmas and many games of Pinochle were played. ‘Twas quite fun.
That basically wraps up the last few weeks except that I got an email from my cousin Brandon who is over in Iraq. I haven’t heard from him in a while but he should be back in the US around June and might get stationed within driving distance from us. WOOHOO! I haven’t seen him for about 6 years and he has a wife and baby boy that I’ve never met. Please pray for his safety and more importantly- his salvation.
Tata for now!
January 8th, 2008 at 10:12 am
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oh yeah, i had forgotten that i meant to stop talking to you permanently. you are an awful awful awful awful child. and i am pretty sure that my back is messed up because of you and that hideous ride. somebody get me a lawyer.
January 8th, 2008 at 12:04 pm
Legal Counsel
Lawyer Preston here at your service. You can reach me at Preston and Porter Associates… Fees will be quite exorbitant, and nothing is guaranteed. 🙂
January 8th, 2008 at 12:31 pm
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How dare you go to Dollywood and not let us know… Your lucky it was cold or I would have to talk to your momsie about this. I hope you are home Friday in case we invade…. we'll see how the weather rain or we no invade.. got that. : )
Mrs R
January 8th, 2008 at 9:09 pm
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oh poor coie. I love roller coasters. next time we come see you, i'll ride roller coasters with you- charley hates them too, so he can go walk around and be boring with your mom.
January 8th, 2008 at 9:16 pm
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What a blessing to be able to take your whole family! As to the roller coasters, you just tell your pansy-momsie that my then almost 7yo told me to BE BRAVE, MOMMY! ISN'T THIS FUN?!
January 9th, 2008 at 10:24 am
Oh My Word!
Ok, Coie, I almost wet myself laughing at your description of your mother on a roller coaster. Oh my gosh that was tooo funny! Tee Hee.
January 10th, 2008 at 10:42 am
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Haha. I got my mom on the same ride (after begging and pleading with her forever) and she kept her eyes shut tight and squished my hand the whole time. 🙂
January 10th, 2008 at 8:03 pm
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bout time you blogged again!
I love roller coasters and some of my boys who shall remaim anonymous are like your scaredy cat momma! So we have the opposite problem! lol Glad y'all could go–what fun! Shoulda gone yesterday–was so warm!!!
January 11th, 2008 at 8:08 am
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Welcome back! Loved the phalanges post – I actually knew what they were, but then I'm a home school mom so I know everything. *snort* Glad you're back.
Karen (
January 11th, 2008 at 9:04 pm
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Sami forgot to tell you that I am NEVER going on that ride again. I was so scared……
I mean I was really so brave.
January 12th, 2008 at 1:10 pm
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HEHEHE! I read on someone Blog that you have family in Michigan….ever been to Cedar Pointe? Totally worth the entrace fee which is insane! Some of the best coasters in the world.
January 13th, 2008 at 4:57 pm
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Coie,please email me Mrs. Pepitos info.. thanks!!! 🙂
(oh, and tell me a usable email address for you, too).
love jess