Cozie Blog

Life is nice when you're Cozie

Coffee, Coffee, Coffee

by coie - August 4th, 2007.
Filed under: Uncategorized.

Whew, I’ve been busy.  Not only that, but my computer is dead.  So that is why I haven’t updated for a while. 

For those of you that don’t already know, I had to get a job so I’ve been working as a cashier at the (NEW!) Sevierville Home Depot.  I’ve been there for a week today and it is actually ok so far.  I’ve met lots of people and for the most part they are all friendly.  One of the cashiers is a Christian homeschool dad, so that is neat too.

Two nights ago I went into my room and saw an envelope on my pillow that said, "I love you Coie. From Emmiko."  Inside was a five dollar bill.  I’m telling you, I’m the luckiest girl in the world.

So on my way to work yesterday I decided to go to Starbucks since I was a bit early and didn’t have anything better to do.  It was a hard choice though, because I only had the five bucks and some change so I was going to sacrifice my lunch for the day.  Well, as I stood at the back of the four person line, one of the workers was leaving and said, "This has been such a great day, I’m paying for these four people in line.  Have a nice day!" and left.  So I got coffee AND lunch yesterday.

But then as I was waiting for some customers to come through my line at HD, The Great, the Marvelous, the Wonderful, the Lovely and ever so Thoughtful AUNT SPIFFY showed up beside me and handed me a Starbucks gift card and some cash for my parents (which I used to fill up the completely empty vehicle I was driving).  I’m telling you, I’m the luckiest girl in the world.  🙂

Other people that have blessed our family beyond measure (materially and spiritually) are the JOHNSTONS, ROYS, Nowaks, OUR CHURCH and many others.  I am so thankful for the friends that God has blessed us with. 

I’m telling you, I’m the luckiest girl in the world!

And momsie, thanks for always having food ready for me to wolf down before and after work.  And dad, thanks for bringing me water when I was stuck out in Lawn and Garden.  😀

9 Responses to Coffee, Coffee, Coffee

  1. Untitled Comment

    Aw you're kidding me? You were stuck out in Lawn and Garden??? That's nice you had your dad nearby to bring you water..

    And what a neat story of God's provision in even the little things like lunch and coffee. He'll continue to provide as YOU continue to recognize His goodness and commit all things unto Him. Love you Coie!

  2. Untitled Comment

    I just love it when God shows us His love through other people… even in the little things like coffee and cold water!

    You are most definitely blessed!


  3. Untitled Comment

    Hey Coie you say I never comment on your blog so here goes ….. you are a sweet loveable darling beautiful wonderful special great grand daughter from a grandpa sharon love you girl

  4. Untitled Comment

    Your post is making me cry. I'm a lucky girl too…for knowing you and your family. Ya'll are such a blessing to so many people.


    Mrs. Carr

  5. Untitled Comment

    hey coie,

    i'm so confused.. my blog is acting weird. the further down the page you get, the pictures start not coming up.. do you know why?

  6. Untitled Comment

    You must mean Severvielle, TN! If that is so then we go there quite often! Such a lovely place to visit! I love the mountains!

    I love all the little instances you gave. God truly does bless His children! He is soooo good to us! You are a blessed girl indeed!

    I love your blog. Mind if I add you to my friends list?


  7. Hi ya sweet girl!:)

    I have just been reading and catching up on your life and blog!! Wowza!!! You have been sooo busy and so industrious!! You are quite an AMAZING!!! young woman!!!

    And…. you are doing a FABULOUS!!!!! job at teaching the sewing class!!! I am loving it and learning sooooo much!!! And I tell you the truth…. although I was excited to start the class, I was also extremely nervous and somewhat scared!! But, alas, you, our fearless teacher makes it all seem sooooo easy and effortless , that how could it not be FUN!!! Thank you!!! Thank you!!! Thank you!!!

    And we are truly the blessed ones in knowing precious you and your precious family!!:):)

    We love you!!:):)

    Mrs. J:) and kin:)

  8. Hi!

    Aw, you have such a nice blog! (And I like your most recent post!) I was just visiting a bunch of people on my friend list that I haven't been to in awhile, and I found your's again. =) Just felt like leaving a comment!

    God bless,


  9. Coie….

    ….you are truly blessed with your family. I love you!

    You are *one* of the luckiest girls in the world! ;+)



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