Cozie Blog

Life is nice when you're Cozie

Archive for July, 2011

Look for Opportunities

Monday, July 25th, 2011

As I was talking to my hubby via cell phone earlier, I suddenly heard ringing.  I looked at my screen and saw that somehow I had dialed one of our friends with my face (dern touchscreen!).  Embarrassed, I quickly ended the call and resumed my conversation with Matt.  A few minutes later, the above mentioned […]

What Big Teeth You Have!

Monday, July 25th, 2011

Clint Archer at The Cripplegate is quickly becoming a new favorite read for me.  Take a gander at this article mixing humor into a discussion on Christian orthodoxy. What Big Teeth You Have! Orthodoxy is blood bought. There are countless saints who were burnt at the stake to defend the claims of Scripture. John Wycliffe […]

March-Present Update

Saturday, July 16th, 2011

(minus our trip to California in April which has waaaayy too many pictures to upload) Anyways, here are some pictures with minimal descriptions that cover the months since I’ve last blogged.  Facebookers might recognize some, but there are some new ones that were taken after our Great Facebook Exodus.  😉 Click thumbnails for larger versions. […]