Cozie Blog

Life is nice when you're Cozie

Archive for February, 2008

All Sorts of Stuff

Thursday, February 28th, 2008

It’s been an exciting couple of days.  I’ve had good things and bad things happen.  It all started yesterday when I was at work.  I was basically offered (by two different people) another position in the store which is full-time, has higher pay, and an almost set schedule (my schedule now is all over the place).  […]

Concerning Valentines, Saturns and Great Little Sisters

Monday, February 18th, 2008

On Valentines Day I worked 7-4.  As I was standing there waiting for customers, I heard the phone ring and ran to answer it.  The conversation went like this: "Thank you for calling Sevierville Home Depot, this is Coie, how may I help you?" "COIE!!!!!!!!!!!!" "Hi dad!" "Happy Valentines Day!" "Thanks!" "Ok, bye!" "That’s all […]

I Look *Hideous*!

Tuesday, February 12th, 2008

I have a confession.  I believe I’ve idolized my car.  I’ve had it almost 3 years and am known to randomly sigh, "I love my little car."  If you’ve been reading my blog long, you’ll remember when I FIRST got it. In my three years of driving I have only hit a few things besides […]

Your Banner We Can Get

Sunday, February 10th, 2008

Only 9 more days of being 18!  This last year went by very swiftly.  I wonder if 2008 will be the same. I witnessed an auto accident today on the way home from church.  The truck somehow made it into the air, but landed right side up.  In the process, it took out an electric […]