Cozie Blog

Life is nice when you're Cozie

Archive for October, 2006


Thursday, October 26th, 2006

I am thankful for my entire family. I am thankful for our house and property. I am thankful for the changing seasons. I am thankful for like-minded friends. I am thankful for the opportunity to learn at home. I am thankful for TOS Magazine. I am thankful for working vehicles. I am thankful for persecution. […]

Baby, It's Cold Outside

Monday, October 23rd, 2006

Last Thursday I got the first 2 of cavities filled.  It was dreadful.  And because of my dental appointment, I missed out on seeing the ROY’S new baby, and hanging out with AUNT SPIFFY and her kids.   Fortunately, Aunt Spiffy called my cell phone right when the nurse was calling for me.  This distraction caused […]

Need a Template?

Tuesday, October 17th, 2006

I’ve got a whole pile of templates that aren’t being put to use, that are HSB and HSB2 compatible.  Click on the thumbnails below to see bigger versions, and if you would like to use any of them just shoot me an email and I’ll send you the code.  [coie @] (take out spaces) […]

I Love Autumn!!!!!!!

Saturday, October 14th, 2006

It's been so chilly and perfectly lovely outside.  Here are some pictures of our exploding trees that I see outside of my windows when I wake up. [click on thumbnails for larger versions]

Ice Cubes, Anyone?

Friday, October 13th, 2006

It was so freezing cold this morning that I'm convinced that had my feet been wet, they would have stuck to our patio when I walked outside this morning. Then we did Karate in our living room and got our body temperatures up.  I'm sure mom would have joined us, but she was practicing her […]

Do the FedEx Dance

Thursday, October 12th, 2006

FedEx came yesterday.  I dread seeing their truck.  This time they had 229 boxes for us of the new Fall issue of TOS.  Each one ways about 40 pounds, and because they were wrapped and on pallets, they could not bring them up to our house.  They unloaded these pallets (a total of 7700 pounds) […]

Ups and Downs

Sunday, October 8th, 2006

I keep having these half good, half bad days.  It’s pretty weird.  So let me just outline this all for you.   Some Background We were scheduled to have the previous homeowners of our property (Hereafter “Bartletts”) and their visiting relatives from Sweden (Hereafter “Jarvis”) on Tuesday, October the 3rd.  We planned a barbecue with […]