Cozie Blog

Life is nice when you're Cozie

Archive for September, 2006

It's Finally Come!

Saturday, September 30th, 2006

I smelled it yesterday.  It always sneaks up gradually and many hardly notice it until they remember it months later.  It comes every year, and sparks a smile on everyone's face. It's the smell of Fall.  I do believe I'm happiest in Autumn.  *happy sigh* We had the Gonzalez girls over on Tuesday and had […]

A Week of Firsts

Sunday, September 24th, 2006

This past week has held a lot of “firsts” for me.  Some good, some bad.  So here's the list with as little explanation as possible. I went to Georgia [good]No, I was not on vacation.  My aunt and uncle were speaking at a support group and mom, emmi and I came along for the fun […]

Well Lookie There!

Tuesday, September 19th, 2006

This is cool.  Look at how many people from different countries have looked at my blog in the last 100 visits. I'm in Georgia right now, just sitting around.  Just mom, Emmi and I.  It's pretty relaxing except emmi keeps leaving the hotel room without a key and then knocks 500 times till I open […]

The Good, The Bad, and The UG-UH-LY

Sunday, September 17th, 2006

First off, the good. [to be said in a sing song voice] I got new toothpaste!  I tried to take the last stuff, but when I opened it up, it was transparent green with sparkles.  I tried it anyways and it tasted awful.  So emmi gets it.  I went to good ol' Walmart and picked […]

7 Day Rundown

Tuesday, September 12th, 2006

In the last seven days I have: Spit my gum into my dad's hand when he teasingly demanded it back (Oh, boy, the reaction!) Been slapped on the FOREHEAD with a loaded paintbrush for NO REASON Donned my painting shirt, HANDPAINTED by my very own daddems. Watched the gruesome scene of my little bro getting […]

Toothpaste Escapade

Thursday, September 7th, 2006

Man, I just spent like one hour in Wal-Mart picking out new toothpaste and deodorant (yes, I’ve used another stick!).  I’m fine and dandy with the deodorant, but I am greatly disappointed by my toothpaste.  I put so much thought into flavor and how much whitening power it possessed, I forgot the most important detail […]


Wednesday, September 6th, 2006

Image Hosting | Video Hosting Nah, just joking.  I'm actually enjoying this wholesome food kick; it has already cleared up some health issues we've been having.  I just needed an excuse to share that video of Dippy and King James.  😀  BTW, if you are watching this in Microsoft IE, sorry it is so big.  You should consider […]


Tuesday, September 5th, 2006

STEVE ERWIN, CROCODILE HUNTER, DIES. That is so sad to me.  I love watching crocodile hunter movies/shows.  Steve Erwin was cool. Ryann went to the orthodontist last week and she is going to get braces very soon.  I find that hilarious.  Don't know why- just do.  I so wanted braces when I was her age, […]