Cozie Blog

Life is nice when you're Cozie

Archive for July, 2006

Villette and Our Beloved Table

Friday, July 28th, 2006

First off, in answer to Keri L's question, I've not read Charlotte Bronte's Villette and therefore know nothing of it's amibiguous and maddening ending.  Perhaps that will be my next piece of “Leisure Literature” and then I will happily share my thoughts. Now for the real point of my post.  Our table's future is looking […]

Loopy? No, It's Called a Coie Condition

Monday, July 24th, 2006

A lot of people say that I look just like my mom.  Frankly, I don't see much resemblance, but you can be the judge of that.  WHAT SAY YOU? I'm pretty sure that my family is going loopy from our vast amount of recent APPLE consumption.  Honestly, it's awful.  And people are making fun of […]

I Nearly Lost My Toe

Friday, July 21st, 2006

In my last post I mentioned that I was training my cousin PAUL to take over a part of TOS.  Just to give you a clue of how non-common-sensical he is, here is a look into a conversation we had. Paul: Oh, you're cutting onions?  Don't cry! Me: It doesn't bother me as long as […]

Sorry to All Those Unsuspecting Victims

Wednesday, July 19th, 2006

Well, I was going to call all of my old numbers that I could remember or find, but as soon as I picked up the phone I got that “Ooooh, this is too gutsy and I might get in trouble” chill go up my back.  So, I employed someone who sort of likes that feeling- […]

Cat's Got My Tongue

Monday, July 17th, 2006

Other than the fact that our cat had more kittens (3– wonder how our 8 passenger cat killer will get them this time- see dictionary in sidebar for explanation), I can think of nothing to blog about.  So, I was thinking I'll call all of our old phone numbers that I can remember in the […]

What Have I DONE?!

Wednesday, July 12th, 2006

I had intended to write a long post to make up for the lost time on here.  You know, to catch you all up on my happenings.  And then I realized– I can't even remember anything before last Wednesday.  So here is what I do remember. Wednesday our neighbor came over and demonstrated how to […]

My Car is A-OK

Monday, July 3rd, 2006

For a quick dose of hilarity GO HERE My dad told me that he would help me move my car after I cleared the rocks and small tree it was on top of.  I said ok, and planned on doing it tomorrow.  But my grandma, for some odd reason, said she wasn't leaving for California […]

My No Good Day

Saturday, July 1st, 2006

My bad day started out last night when my 2 minute drive turned into 10 when a COW WOULDN'T GET OFF THE ROAD. Then I wake up this morning and go outside.  One of our dogs was in the screened porch so I shooed her out, an then I realized that one of my shoes […]