Cozie Blog

Life is nice when you're Cozie

Archive for May, 2006

Attack of the Rubber Lizard

Wednesday, May 31st, 2006

The fun thing about having 5 little siblings, is you never know what you'll find in funny places.  Like pencils in the pan cupboard, half chewed candy in your pockets, and my whole thing of chapstick in King James' mouth.  Today was a bit different. I was rushing to the Post Office, and after pulling […]

Cachinnate, Why Don't Ya?

Saturday, May 27th, 2006

We pick up momsie tomorrow. Yippee!  I miss her! And I love the drive to Nashville!  Note the “the”.  I love the drive to Nashville, NOT I love to drive to Nashville.  Dad is convinced that I said I like to drive to Nashville, and volunteered me to do so the entire way.  At any […]

Party Time!

Wednesday, May 24th, 2006

Today's been fun and slightly adventuresome.  Miss Trish, TOS's production manager, was here from SC and stayed the day at our house.  Dad took mom to the airport in Nashville (about 3 hours away) along with the boys so only us girls were home.  Miss Trish took us to Ruby Tuesday.  We all got into […]

Last Words

Tuesday, May 23rd, 2006

I've just discovered that I like WIKIPEDIA.  I mean, they've got everything from information on Dumbo to Bulgarian proverbs.  Dad and I were having fun perusing the site yesterday.  But today…today I got my fair share of laughs.  I looked up people's last words…They had a long list of some famous, some not so famous […]

A Master-stroke of Wit

Monday, May 22nd, 2006

Due to the fact that the wonderful MRS. WILLIAMS AKA AUNT SPIFFY is letting me borrow her Bronte Sisters Mega Book (title changed to indicate size of said book), I'm going through “The Tenant of Wildfell Hall”, which apart from being another awesome story by Emily Bronte, has a paragraph that totally describes me. A […]

Cali Pictures

Friday, May 19th, 2006

Click on the links to see pictures from my Cali trip.  BRIDE & GROOM BRIDE & HER FATHER BRIDE & MAID OF HONOR (Groom's sister) BRIDESMAIDS FLOWER GIRLS BRIDE & GROOM DANCING ME & KALLY DANCING (I'm in the dark brown shirt) AMY H. & BROOKE S. (2 of my good friends) KALLY S. (The […]

*Evil Laugh* I Have RETURNED!

Thursday, May 18th, 2006

Hello all.  I've just returned from my week-long vacation sorta thing in California!  Since I've quickly tired of orally outlining my entire trip (done it 4 times now), I'll just write it here and send people on over if they are truly interested.  🙂  FYI, it's gonna be looooong. Wednesday Woke up at 4:00 AM […]

I'll Fly Away, Oh Glory

Tuesday, May 9th, 2006

It was about this time last year that my AUNTIE was starting to open up this blogsite.  My MOMSIE and I thought it was about the most lame-o idea ever.  Auntie forced us both to start a blog, and my FIRST ENTRY was a result of me wanting to show up in the stats.  Lookie […]

We Still Don't Know How To Dress Ourselves

Saturday, May 6th, 2006

Today has been busy and fun!  I got up at 6:45 and drove to our local strawberry farm to see if they were ready for people to get Pick Your Own (PYO) strawberries, but they don't open until Monday.  We decided to go to Knoxville instead and called our friends who were planning on going […]

Cartoon Turtles Are Imposters

Friday, May 5th, 2006

I'm telling you, there's no end to the animals around here.  Who knew you could find so many things in one spot?  A 30 minute rain caused our pond to overflow like crazy and attempted to flood our basement again today.  But my dad dug a quickie trench which prevented another catastrophe.  Near the overflow, […]