Cozie Blog

Life is nice when you're Cozie

Archive for April, 2006

Scratches, Bruises, and FUN!

Sunday, April 30th, 2006

We have been meeting the coolest people lately.  I can't wait for my cousins to meet all our new friends.  The birthday party was mucho fun today.  The marines didn't show up and neither did any automatic paintball guns.  Ryann and I were the only ones who had something more powerful then those little pump […]


Friday, April 28th, 2006

I'm convinced that Kleenex not only has addictive properties, but also makes conditions worse.  This has been the sneeziest days of my life.  We stole all the kleenex from my aunt's house, since we are almost out of toilet paper and didn't want to waste it on our noses.  Anyways, I think every time I […]

Coie's CraaaAAAzy!

Thursday, April 27th, 2006

I came home from the PO and bank today and Peaches was listening to one of my cd's while cleaning the kitchen.  I didn't think anything of it, and prepared myself some spaghetti.  About 15 minutes later I was sitting in the livingroom cramming food in my mouth when I heard one of the songs […]

They Call Me Two-Face

Monday, April 24th, 2006

My siblings played baseball with a bunch of other homeschoolers today.  I sat in the sun and talked to 3 of my friends.  It was really fun, except I kept going numb from sitting on a hill that consisted of many bumps for 3 hours.  Oh yeah, and the fact that I didn't face the […]

Squeezing My Brain…And My Muscles

Sunday, April 23rd, 2006

I am currently unable to think of anything worth saying.  Friday night we had a humongo thunderstorm.  The next morning when I woke up (at 10…teehee, so I've been staying up too late) I went into the basement and noticed some small puddles by the door.  I figured it came from the under the door, […]

Winners! And My Story…

Friday, April 21st, 2006

Ok, I have the winners for the HSB T-Shirts!  Sorry for not giving a deadline…didn't even pass through my head.  🙂  Remember, you can still buy them HERE in just a bit. ALSO, I forgot to say that the shirts are blank on the front, so if you know how to use iron-on transfers (very […]

Cyber Mini Golf and Tee's

Thursday, April 20th, 2006

It's official.  My favorite “computer game” is Candystand's Mini Golf. I'm bored…and I'm modeling the new HSB T-shirt.  I wonder if I'll get a percentage of the sales for all this hard work.  Why don't you people buy it and I'll let you know.  Actu-ackly (actually), instead, 3 of you can win one from me.  […]


Wednesday, April 19th, 2006

Yeah yeah, so I've changed my avatar again.  Believe it or not, I was standing behind a waterfall in that pic…We went hiking today in Gatlinburg.  All the way up to Groto Falls (a 2.4 mile round trip hike).  When we started Dippy said, “I'm the King Of The World!!!”…When we were have way up […]

1,2,3,4 I Declare an Almond War!

Wednesday, April 19th, 2006

Because I've met some opposition concerning the fact that almonds taste like chlorine from Emily and her brother Rabenstrange, I need some help from you readers to prove them wrong.  So without further ado, let the war begin. 

Eskimos Work In Ice Cubicles

Tuesday, April 18th, 2006

Quote of the Week: I don’t believe in giggling, conformity, or pink. I'm common sensical and realistic. –Escape Artist Today I tried to explain to mom how cold it was by combining the words “Ice Cube” and “Popsicle”.  It came out like this… “Mom, I'm going to sit in my car and wait.  It's so […]