Cozie Blog

Life is nice when you're Cozie

Archive for September, 2005

Tuesday, September 27th, 2005

Do you have a random brain like mine?  Do weird thoughts come into your head when the actual conversation subject is something about the exact geographical location of a primitive aerodynamic stink bomb… otherwise known as your dad’s work boots?  No wait, there goes my brain trail again.  Have you ever tried organizing these random […]


Tuesday, September 20th, 2005

Well, I'm not quite sure how Spunky Jr. got into my blog but uhhh, I suppose that's fine.  J/K!  I asked her to do it.  Mom said she's her daughter now….does that make me her sister?  Because I really wouldn't mind…   I've been kept busy in Ca working on our previous house with Dad to better-than-when-we-moved-in-now-I-want-to-stay […]

Update on Coie

Saturday, September 3rd, 2005

Well, this is Spunky Jr. and Coie has asked me to tell everyone how she's doing.  I talked to her this morning after trying to contact her for a few days.  But not to fear…I finally got a hold of her.  She had I briefly talked while the Ig's were shopping for a washer and dryer.  […]