Cozie Blog

Life is nice when you're Cozie

Archive for May, 2005

Whipping Cream vs. Half and Half

Monday, May 30th, 2005

Well, I like whipping cream for my coffee, but we just got half and half a few days ago.  It's not as creamy but we still had some of the good stuff left.  So with my highly-evolved homeschooled brain, I decided to mix the two and have I guess what you would call Three quarters […]

My food pyramid

Friday, May 27th, 2005

Ok, I couldn't wait, so I decided to post it now.  Now before you view this, I figured I should mention a few things.  #1 I am not forced to eat these things as punishment or as a regular diet by my parents so no one call CPS or CBS. #2  I get sick usually […]

Yay! Yippee! er, and any other words that express happiness

Friday, May 27th, 2005

I passed my driver's test and can officially hit all the pedestrians I want….as long as I don't get caught.  Did you know that Athenians used to believe that?  Not that you can hit pedestrians.  That nothing was against the law unless you got caught.  So, I guess if an officer or whatever they called their […]


Monday, May 23rd, 2005

Well, I'm supposed to get my Driver's License tomorrow.  Maybe I will actually pass this time.  Wouldn't that be surprising???    Thought/question of the day/week- Who built the first snowman and why was it modeled after an ant (head, abdomen, and thorax)??? I mean really, what's the connection?

*sigh* here goes…….

Wednesday, May 18th, 2005

Ok, I decided to finally write something so that I can actually show up on the stats list.  🙂  Soooooo, am I on now??? whew! that was tough! :D:D